Is SurveyMonkey Rewards Legit? (Review) – 2020

Surveymonkey Rewards is an app for iOS and Android that allows you to take surveys to redeem for Amazon gift cards.

The app is legit and does pay, but I wouldn’t depend on it for a steady source of income.

Let’s talk about this app in detail. And see how much you can make with SurveyMonkey Rewards.


  • Type: Mobile app
  • Platforms: Android, iOS
  • Price: Free (no ads)
  • Registration required: Yes (email and phone)
  • Earning potential: $0-$10 per month
  • Realistic earning average: $1-$3 per month
  • Time commitment: 1-10 minutes per survey
  • Estimated earnings per hour: Varies based on survey length
  • Download the app: Android or iOS
  • See the official page


  • Pays for surveys even if you don’t qualify (no screen out)
  • Automatic approval for withdrawals
  • Low cash out threshold
  • Easy to use
  • Notifications for new surveys


  • Requires location data for more surveys
  • Very few surveys, no consistency
  • No cash rewards, only Amazon gift cards

Overall score: 7/10 (Decent)

SurveyMonkey Rewards is an easy way to make a bit of beer money. The surveys are quick, easy, and automatically approved. You also get paid for disqualified surveys. Withdrawals are automated and fast with a low cash out limit. Even though you can’t earn cash, gift cards from Amazon are still worth it. Surveys are inconsistent, so don’t expect to earn GCs fast.

What’s SurveyMonkey Rewards?

SurveyMonkey how much can you make.
SurveyMonkey Rewards lets you take surveys on your phone for Amazon cards.

It’s an app for iOS and Android made by SurveyMonkey that lets you take surveys directly on your phone.

The platform was built for the desktop browser, but this allows mobile users to get in on the action and take surveys for cash.

The app will periodically send you surveys to complete which range from 1-5 minutes.

Longer and involved surveys (writing) often pay more with shorter surveys paying just a few quarters.

Shorter surveys give you a few cents. MInimum cash out is $5 and it’s an automated process.

At the moment, there’s no way to earn actual cash (PayPal, Venmo, Payoneer, etc.) and Amazon GCs are the only thing you can redeem.

However, Amazon cards are just as valuable nowadays because you can find everything on there. No complaints here.

Does SurveyMonkey Rewards pay?

Yes, SurveyMonkey Rewards is a legitimate mobile app that pays. You can earn a few cents up to a few dollars, depending on the length and difficulty of the survey.

However, you don’t get paid in cash. The mobile app only offers gift cards as a reward.

How much can you make with SurveyMonkey?

This depends on a variety of factors.

First, the main problem with SurveyMonkey Rewards is the lack of surveys. I only get one survey every week or so, and this is no way predictable income.

If you’re still wondering if SurveyMonkey pays. My answer is a firm “yes.”

The surveys you get range from a few seconds of your time up to 5 minutes or so. I haven’t seen any super lengthy ones that take any longer than a few minutes to complete.

And even if you get screened out (not the target audience), you’ll still get a small cash reward (in Amazon gift cards) for your time. So basically, every survey you take through the app will pay you something.

But actually GETTING the surveys is the problem. Don’t expect to be flooded with surveys that you’ll have them piling up at a time. That never happens. In fact, you can only take a single survey at any given time.

Here are some recent reviews complaining about the same problem:

SurveyMonkey Rewards review.
SurveyMonkey Rewards legit.

There’s no “dashboard” with a queue of surveys for you to take. When one pops up, you’ll get an alert on your phone and once you launch the app, you’ll see that there’s a survey waiting- along with the reward and time commitment.

The surveys are far and few. I’m not sure if this is because of my profile demographics, or it’s just the nature of the business.

You fill out a profile when you first sign up that matches you to companies paying for survey audiences. I don’t know the type of person that these companies are looking for, so I just filled in profile demographics that apply to me. I’m guessing that many people lie and put fake information to score more surveys, but that’s not here nor there.

Most surveys will ask you for your basic demographics anyway, so I’m not sure if they can see that it doesn’t match what you put for your profile if you forget what fake details you put.

Regardless, you can change your profile details anytime, so nothing is permanent. You can tweak and adjust your age, location, job, home, car, number of kids, income, pets, etc.

I didn’t bother to play around with the settings, but I’m sure there’s a happy medium somewhere.

The other thing is that the app will request your location every time you use it.

This is to target survey takers and you can choose to allow access to your GPS only when the app is open OR all the time. If you don’t get that many surveys, the team recommends that you let it collect your location 24/7 for more.

While that’s nice, I didn’t bother opting in because I don’t need to earn a few cents for constant battery drain and access to my location all day long.

But some people care:

SurveyMonkey location privacy.
Privacy does matter.

But hey, that’s up to you.

When a survey comes in, you just go through and fill out all the fields. It’s pretty much like any other survey software (Qualtrics, etc.) where you go through and fill out free text, radio buttons, multiple choice, and drop down lists.

Most of the surveys work as expected, but some have programming issues where the survey creator requires a field that’s optional (don’t you hate that?) or other similar problems.

Regardless you go through the survey and get paid. The amount is credited to your account immediately and there’s no approval/rejection. Every survey will earn you a reward.

SurveyMonkey Rewards disqualify.

Now let’s talk about the actual amounts:

  • For shorter surveys (up to 1m in length), they generally pay $0.25-0.50.
  • For medium surveys (2-5m), they generally pay $0.75-$1.25.
  • And for longer surveys, (5m+), you can expect upwards of $1.50.

These are averages and completely depend on the survey creator and what’s required to complete it.

Based on these averages, you can make about $5 per month in amazon gift cards with SurveyMonkey Rewards.

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

Even though the pay is definitely on the higher side for the time required, the problem is that you’ll only get a few surveys per month.

So at most, SurveyMonkey Rewards is best for some beer money. It ain’t gonna pay your utilities.

How do I get more surveys on SurveyMonkey?

This is something that many people (including myself) have asked. There is no secret. It seems like the app just matches you to a survey based on the target profile demographic.

Unless you can find out what the majority of companies that use the platform target, you’ll just have to get the surveys as they come. You can also adjust your GPS settings to always on if you want to qualify for more.

Otherwise, there’s not much you can do. Once a survey shows up, you need to complete it within 24 hours. It’ll disappear if not.

Sometimes, I found that even though I received the notification for new surveys and I launched the app a few hours later (within the 24 hour timeframe), it disappeared. I’m not sure what happens.

So I wouldn’t rely on waiting until you have free time to take them. You should take them as soon as they crop up- maybe in the bathroom at work.

Some people reported that after you redeem your first gift card, more surveys will appear. I can’t confirm nor deny this, but if it’s true, it makes sense as they give your account more trust.

Is SurveyMonkey Rewards legit?

SurveyMonkey pay.

Yes, the rewards program is a legitimate way to earn some side income in the form of amazon gift cards.

They pay as soon as you reach $5 and you can choose to redeem or wait. It gets sent to your email within a few minutes and you just redeem the code on amazon.

Other than the profile demographics you provide, survey answers, and your GPS location, I don’t think they collect any other information from you. Perhaps your device stats just to make sure you don’t game the system.

SurveyMonkey is a leader in the survey space and is right up the ranks with Qualtrics and TypeForm.

Is SurveyMonkey safe?

Yes, the app is safe.

But the information you hand out to advertisers during the surveys is your responsibility.

Again, the APP collects your basic demographic profile, GPS location, and other details about your device.

But the actual SURVEYS will ask you questions that were created by the advertisers or companies creating them. You need to safeguard any personal details and never provide them to surveyors and that’s your responsibility.

Otherwise, surveys may not be for you.

Is it free?

Yes, the surveymonkey rewards app is completely free to use. It doesn’t show ads and doesn’t have any tiered system.

You just download the app and take surveys whenever they’re available.

That’s it. Easy peasy.

Is it worth your time?

I’d say so, because each survey is relatively short and can be completed within a few minutes.

The pay is also high compared to other survey apps for phones.

And even though you’ll only get a few surveys here and there, it really does add up to some nice gift cards that you can use on amazon. I’ve been using the app for about 6 months now and I’ve cashed out at least 3 times.

Sure, it’s not a lot of money. But when you actually TAKE a survey, the time required and payout is well worth it. And with a low cashout threshold ($5), it’s easy money. Not passive. Not a lot. But easy.

Overall review

SurveyMonkey Rewards redeem Amazon card.
You can redeem Amazon gift cards easily, but it takes time.

SurveyMonkey Rewards is a legitimate app that’s worth the download.

The app is straightforward and easy to use with occasional surveys to earn some easy money.

There aren’t a lot of surveys, but they add up over time. The withdrawal threshold is only $5 and the transaction is instant.

They also approve your surveys quickly and credit your account. The credit shows up right after you submit the survey, but I think if you gave BS answers, you’ll get the credits removed.

And you get paid even if you don’t qualify and are screened out. It’s an easy way to earn some gift cards, but not quickly.

Regardless, the time commitment to payout ratio is decent when you do get a survey.

Overall, it’s worth a try.

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